
Our summer 2024 production of the musical Oliver! was a great success. Come back soon to read some of the wonderful feedback we received!


Show Information

Performances:Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June 2024, 7:15pm, and Saturday 8th June 2024 at 1pm and 6pm.

Venue: Castleford Civic Centre, Ferrybridge Road, Castleford, WF10 4JH

Production Team: Andy Lunn(Director); Joel Griffin (Musical Director); Bev Maher (Choreographer);

Principal Cast:

Oliver Twist: Liberty Slater
Fagin: Michael Tattersall
Artful Dodger: Bobby Cook
Bill Sikes: Jordan Whipp
Nancy : Sarah Clarkson
Bet: Rebecca Thompson
Mr Bumble: Terry Ford
Mrs Corney: Catherine Pidd
Mr Sowerberry: Toby Hall
Mrs Sowerberry: Eleanor Aldous